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2017-10-23 - 11:09 p.m.

all things pass, all things fade

i had meant to write about that weekend in baltimore, and how strange it was to make small talk with all these consultants and lobbyists and congressional staff. in college, these people had been briefly, intensely and purposefully mean to me, making it very clear i was not welcome in the ambit of their friendships.

i will behave as if i am meeting them for the very first time. i am gracious, and so are they.

* * *

while my husband carried out his duties as best man, we took the baby to cylburn arboretum, whose minimally tended, once-grand plantings i recalled exploring in childhood. now, the grounds are being actively improved with teaching facilities and a trendy rain garden and trial beds filled with canna and dahlia.

we feel like the baby has revitalized so many things fallen out of general use.

* * *

the wedding ceremony was performed in a basilica steeped in honeyed light, and the reception was held in a castle on a prep school grounds. the groom had spent a lot of money to realize his dream wedding, but still he could not be happy.

a door opens, and we all walk through. how wearying it must be to tether and tend all these spites and grievances and petty triumphs, like sled dogs who growl and snap in their traces.

* * *

reading: jenny's moonlight adventure, by esther averill. we love the cat club.
listening to: howlin wolf. the baby is entranced by the long lope of delta blues.
working on: packing for a weekend in washington, dc.
in the garden: my autumn crocus put on an ephemeral luminous show. now i want to plant them by the hundreds.

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