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2018-01-29 - 7:37 p.m.

it is winter once again.

last year, i sailed through these difficult months in a haze of hormones and too little sleep.

this year, i take the baby to the park. when it snows, i pull him around in a little sled. i try to keep the house clean. i imagine, in great detail, how i will remodel our shitty kitchen. this is reliably a good distraction, but inevitably leaves me sad.

there is not enough money. time moves too slowly and there is not enough of it.

* * *

reading: sea of glory: a naval history of the american revolution, by nathan miller.
listening to: a lot of japanese flute music, which the baby enjoys.
working on: who the hell knows.
in the garden: in the spring, the gas company will need to dig a big trench through our front yard. i worry about this all the time. all the trees dying of verticillium wilt worry me also.

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